Friday, June 8, 2012

Time for Landscaping

These rainy days allow the weeds to proliferate and encourage the grass around the field.  The grass makes good cover for rabbits (and other pea-eating) mammals as well as providing habitat to insect pests.  So, it is time for landscaping. 
Here I am with my new weed whacker. I never thought that I'd be doing this but weeks of rain leave us with plenty to do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi JoAnn!
    I'm Katy and I blog over at . My fiance Nolan and I will be receiving produce from your farm share and we are so excited for our first batch! We would certainly appreciate any recommended recipes you have in mind for your fresh ingredients. We love to cook and we are looking forward to incorporating Bobbin Farm's produce into our favorite meals.
