Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The promise of vegetables to come

The flowers are the promise of vegetables to come.  In the field the cucumbers, summer squashes, winter squashes and tomatoes are flowering. 

I have sprayed a food-grade clay on many of the crops to confuse the bugs. You'll see it in photos.  The clay will wash off when it rains, like today, and tomorrow I will spray it again in hopes of  little pest damage. 
Lemon cucumbers open for pollinators. 

As well as lemon cukes, I am trying a new variety of pickling cucumbers this year that self-pollinates.  I only have to open the row cover to harvest.  With luck, this may mean that I yield more cucumbers and deter the cucumber beetles damage.

It's funny how I am excited at the beginning of the season for little things, like this flowering zucchini.  If things turn out as I wish, I will be so-over zucchini.
zucchini with the baby squash. 

Melons and winter squashes.
Acorn squash with a baby squash
Winter squash spends an awfully long time growing, much can happen before this is ready to harvest.
Spent sometime before the rains to prune and trellis the tomatoes. Some of the sungolds have fruit!
 We'll have to wait until September for the fingerling potatoes.  This weekend we did the second hilling of the potatoes.
Let's hope for sun and that I can deliver a bounty for my first CSA delivery on June 21/22.

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for our first shipment!
