Thursday, June 20, 2013

First CSA share of 2013 Season

Some crops liked the unprecedented eight inches of rain in less than two weeks more than others.  Hence, it was demonstrated in what was included in this week's share: broccoli, kale, collards, chard, lettuce, escarole or dandelion greens and radishes. 
Picture inside the box.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Planting Done and to Do

Upper field of greens, beets, carrots, herbs, onions, cukes and summer squash on June 3
Most of the planting for the upper field has been done.  Pumpkins and winter squash will fill out the field.

Finished planting pole beans, basil, carrots, salad greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and flowers with the implements of organic fertilizer, watering can, and a plastic tray. 
planting hot peppers
Potatoes emerge after the recent rain.
Tomorrow with help, we tackle planting three varieties of eggplant (two lovely Italian types!) and four varieties of sweet peppers.