On the farm, Kamal and I had designated tasks. He liked concrete, fix-it-kind-of-things such as putting up and powering the electric fence, setting-up and testing the irrigation and any type of repair or working with machines. Weeding or planting and some times harvesting, he did not enjoy so much as they were more vague - especially if the directions came from me.
I guess that I learned some things from Kamal inadvertently - as I certainly did not try because I had no interest in those tasks.
My mother would be laughing now as I hated the infrequent times that I helped her with mowing her lawn. |
Most of the big plantings have been done with grateful help from friends, family and the Brooks' community. Getting the farm ready for planting takes a good deal of time, this task was eased by the tremendous help of 25 seniors for four hours! With that they gave me a 100 hours that I did not have.
Here are some photos of what the farm looks like at the beginning of June 2015.
Getting the summer squash, melons, cucumbers and winter squash planted and later tacking down that landscape fabric to weed less.
In the background, all the heat-loving summer crops are planted such as peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos and eggplant. While in the foreground, the kale, broccoli, collards are protected from the cabbage moth and the chard and beets are just transplanted.
Amazing, Jo-Ann. Looking forward to this blog, and watching this happen all summer!