Microwave blanching…
For kale/chard or other greens might I suggest a microwave blanch and
then freeze for later stews/ casseroles. Following is an article about microwave
blanching and I copied the more salient bits:
"ScienceDaily (Apr. 13, 1998) — CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- Blanching
freshly picked vegetables in a microwave not only speeds the freezing process
but also maintains the foods' nutritional value better than traditional
blanching does."
"The success of microwave blanching depends mostly on quantity,
timing and wattage. In this case, researchers blanched two to three servings at
a time in a covered casserole dish with about two tablespoons of water. They
blanched the asparagus, which had been picked within four hours of the process,
at 700 watts for four minutes, then sealed it in plastic and put it into the
freezer immediately." More details
follow about microwave blanching with an example maintaining nutrition.
Steam blanching…
See attached link from the National Center for Home Preservation for steam
blanching times for specific vegetables.
Blanching article from eHow