Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Views from the last season

First harvest 2019

Vigorous buckwheat cover crop from June
From August here's a colorful and bountiful harvest.
Heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, summer squash, cucumber and eggplants.
The farm prepared to return to a fallow field.
Cover crop mowed, field graded and seeded with ryegrass.
Equipment trucked away for sale.
Harrow, mulch-layer, mower and plow
Tractor goes last.
It was an amazing experience.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Another Season Begins

Three weeks of wet weather has delayed planting in the field.  It's been wonderful for the cover crops creating more biomass and thereby more organic matter in the soil.
Looking out over peas and oats, further on winter rye and a tarp covering the soil to smother weeds. 
Have been busy seeding and starting plants since February.  A few weeks ago this is what the germination racks looked like.
One of the racks that provides warmth, timed-lighting no predators and special care to give crops a great start.
After four years, asparagus sprouts.
Purple Jersey Knight pushing through the mulch. 
The last sunny day when the honeybees were active.